IED PRESENTS: MIGUEL VIDES 18/01 – 25/01 IED PRESENTS: MIGUEL VIDES 18/01 – 25/01 Directed by local designers Lucas Criado & Andrea López, Italian Insituto Europeo di Design presents at Bate Social Store the work of the artist Miguel Vides, hosted and produced by students. An exhibition of works made between 2022 and 2023. The central piece and inspiration for the exhibition is the Egg, which not only appears as a symbol but also serves as a poster present in this exhibition, being, on many occasions, the starting point for several of the works presented. The space opens up like the inside of an egg, showing a varied work where graphic design, photography and drawing enter into conversation. The common denominator of these pieces is universal icons such as eggs, water, birds or frozen lemons. All this wrapped in a language close to pop, designed to connect with everyone. Presented by Insituto Europeo di Design Madrid. Directed by Andrea López & Lucas CriadoHosted by: @irenerosa21@decabezaalinfierno@malaikajaafar@giulianacarneade@anareyesmart@mariaagonnzalez@aleexboutin@flying_kidd